Septiembre 30, 2021 / Moisés Goiz
In the beginning I wanted to dedicate myself to other activities, architecture, music and literature, however with time, I found my own challenges, my own stressors.
Self-destructive behavior patterns are often quite unconscious to us. The one that particularly led me into a personal abyss 15 years ago was conflict avoidance.
I was a boy who preferred any alternative to facing a conflict with another person. When someone confronted me I just ended up giving in. It was a pattern that I was not even aware of and controlled completely, it was already part of my biology.
We lived in a dangerous city, the gigantic Mexico City. I remember when I was 18 years old, when my father gave me the keys to the first car that he would use, he told me "If you get mugged, don't hesitate and hand over the car keys." It was a bit absurd for him to tell me, as I already said, my specialty was avoiding conflict by always yielding to the interests of other people.

Twelve Years later I found myself in a paradox, my great revelation happened precisely during a robbery. An assailant threatened my life if he did not come down to give him my car. But by then I was divorced, sued by all his clients, separated from his daughters, stripped of his home, and criticized by society, all thanks to my pattern of behavior, avoiding conflict, giving in when others pressured me.
But that day, something changed ...
It was reckless on my part, today I would not do it again, I went against my father's advice, but death was better than losing the last trace of my dignity.
Just don't get out of my car, it was the first time in my life that someone else had to give in, the assailant got tired of insisting and just ran away.
And that changed my life.
But not only did I change, I understood what my problem was and how I got the change. It was so revealing that I abandoned my old profession to devote myself body and soul to studying these patterns of behavior.
I studied psychology, computer science and neurosciences and developed my own methodology. Because I realized how difficult it is for individuals to discover and then correct the patterns learned and then incorporated into our biology.