Códica course
The online Códica course is a certified training of methodology. The course has a virtual modality that includes recorded lessons and live classes. This course allows you to learn to use all the tools of the method and the necessary knowledge to provide professional consulting.
You will become a Códica consultant
A Códica Consultant genuinely helps people with an invaluable contribution to overcome challenges and access fundamental changes.
A Códica Consultant also accelerates his own personal growth and development.
Course Overview
This course helps you develop all the fundamental skills and tools necessary to begin your journey as a professional consultant and add skills to your professional life.
You will gain access to a large number of materials, basic information, manuals, computer applications and access to support groups. Your instructor Moisés Goiz will help you acquire all the knowledge required to create excellent bases for your career as a Códica consultant, in such a way, that the only thing that remains at the end of the course is to go out and use of this method.
This training is designed to be carried out over the course of 2 weeks, however the course material and the recorded lessons will be kept for the period of 3 months so that you can review all the concepts of it and consolidate your knowledge about the wonderful technique that is Códica.
Course itinerary:
Module 1 - The mind's Architecture
In this module you will learn the theoretical bases of the method not only to understand what it is and how it works but also to be able to communicate it effectively to other people.
Module 2 - Emotional processes
In this module you will learn, from psychoevolutionist theory, the true purpose of our emotions and you will understand how to use them assertively to preserve tranquility and joy except in truly necessary occasions. The Module consists of 7 recorded classes and a live class.
Module 3 - Behavioral processes
In this module you will learn to identify the limiting beliefs that affect our behavior and to implement strategies to correct them. This module is focused on improving personal relationships, will, tolerance to frustration, among other aspects. It consists of 7 recorded classes and a live class.
Module 4 - Intrapersonal processes
In this module you will learn to work with the self-perception of individuals, their self-esteem, their maturity, the perception of time, suffering and uncertainty among some other things.
The module consists of 7 recorded classes and a live class.
Module 5 - Work protocols
In this Module you will learn to apply the method. How to use the platform to make diagnoses, how to schedule work sessions, how to select and use the RMO stimulation protocols and how to maintain the work performed. 5 recorded classes and a live class.
You will learn:
- Theoretical bases.
- Perform diagnostics.
- You will learn to work online and in person.
- You will learn to give emotional consulting.
- You will learn to apply brain stimulation.
- You will learn to promote the method.
- You will learn 21 different protocols.
- You will work with emotions.
- You will work on the behavioral field.
- You will work the intrapersonal field.